I came to Martin from Levinas’ notion of ›the Other‹, and what I quickly learned was this question was so much larger than the question of Gender that my peers were so hung up on. The real question was about ›procreation‹ rather than ›reproduction,‹ and how the Machine introduced the concept of the Neuter, which is the precondition that makes you understand the Gender Role. I’m fascinated by how we talk about »Reproductive Medicine« rather than »Procreative Medicine« as if a birthing machine is simply a Xerox copier…best — Hopkins Stanley

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If by Machine you mean as 'Other'ness, then this is very relatable to what I am doing

"My original interest was understanding why machines act as phantasmatic magnets, why they are burdened with all kinds of proofs of God's existence, or why they are loaded with metaphysical contraband. I increasingly realized that machines—like the Alphabet—must be understood as symbolic reproduction machines or, more clearly, as birthing machines. "

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